c 1900: Angler’s Inn
2023: Griffon House
1900: Photo of Townsend house (built 1818)
2022: Griffon House
1950: Dr. Smith’s
2022: Orange Cat
1880: Josiah Tryons Tailor Shop
2022: After
Red & White 1962
2022: After
Public Library
2022: Dicamillo
1993: Bells Supermarket
2021: CVS
1920: The Lewiston Academy
2021 Academy Park, facing South on South 9th Street
4th and Center Streets – Amos and Sally Tryon Residence (date unknown)
4th and Center Streets 2021
Tunnel at Center and 8th 1940
Location of Tunnel 2021
Carmellos 1900
Carmellos 2021
1909 Angler’s Inn
2021 Water Street Landing
Center Street 1895
Center Street 2021
Little Yellow House 1905
Little Yellow House 2021
Cornell House Hotel 1900
Waterfront 2021
2017 to 2020 Center Street looking east
2017 to 2020 8th Street looking west
Hennepin Hall
Frontier House
Center Street
(From the view from the river looking up)
The Silo and steamship dock during the 1936 ice jam.
The steamship dock was destroyed in 1938 during another ice jam.
The Silo in February 2021.
(From the close up view from the top)
The Silo in 1955 ice jam.
The Silo in February 2021.
(From far away view)
The Silo in the 1955 ice jam.
The Silo in February 2021.